the tales of an 18 year old, living and teaching in the central american country of Honduras... and all the danger and fun she meets along the way.

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

and THEN....

hey :)

okay so we returned from Belize, and Ian was on his what to NY where he works in a summercamp, so cool, think i might do that next summer?

and by this point laura had gone also. kev was getting ready to leave in a couple of weeks, and we realised that we needed to get some souvenirs! lets just say we were a great shopping team, got some awesome bargains and one of a kind items...was really great! we got all sorts, honduras football gear (which reminds me, we went to see the football in the city!) shirt, scarf, mugs, towels, keyrings all sorts. looking cool, kev got a bandana ahaahhahaa.

the shopping was great, i'm really excited to come back and give out a couple of presents from Honduras! :D

and then... the family were coming out. i'd been waiting for this day for sooooo long. when all the things were going wrong i'd been wishing for this day. even when things were going right i was dying for them to come out, to experience the amazing things i have the privilege of seeing. i was so excited to see my mum, to thank her for all the wonderful things she's done for me since i got here...for supporting me through EVERY single thing i came to her seeking help with... i grew to appreciate her, and to admire her. she's my MUM for goodness sake! i no longer have that 'i know everything' idea. i now know that my parents are people i need to learn from too. i know stephen's going to have a feild day everytime i come to him seeking some advice or help of one kind or another... hopefully both of them will look forward to seeing a change in my supporting and helping them... :)
i couldnt wait to see my grandma, though i was pretty worried about how she would cope with all the crap that goes on in this country...knowing all the while i'm sure she would LOVE it! i couldnt wait to see Tom see the brother who has grown into such a cool guy, see how he's changed in the last much.

the only problem was that they were late in arriving. delayed flight. shite.

but eventually i saw them walk through a space in a room far to the back of the building, through a tiny split in the mottled glass. i then stood there for about 20 per usual.
i moved to the end of the exit for the people arriving. i waited a few minutes and then MUM'S HEAD CAME BOBBING THROUGH, looking over the crowd, mouthing the words 'where is my baby'

i quickly waved her over, and of course she started greeting, as usual haha. she looked so beautiful. so safe.

grandma came marching out, chin high and called my mum back in cos she'd managed to fail at some kind of security nonsense. the other 2 weren't out yet.
i hugged grandma, who looked a little shocked, and i felt HUGE beside, as always, my wee grandma.

mum, stephen and tom came trooping through the doors and it was wonderful to see them. tom was so much taller than me now, goodness sake...and stephen looked just the same as always, blub ;)

it was nice. what a nice introduction to my family coming on holiday to see me. it went better than i'd ever imagined!

i'll write all about our trials and tribulations travelling through Honduras soon, i promise :)

love, jen xxx


  1. :) So jealous they got to visit youuu!! But you can come visit me in Spain when you get back, ookii??

    Tricia <3

  2. AW shucks- touching words, but Stephen is crying at being called a blub x
