the tales of an 18 year old, living and teaching in the central american country of Honduras... and all the danger and fun she meets along the way.

Sunday, 6 September 2009

Well i STILL haven't heard anything certain yet from PT. Though it seems likely that i will be leaving anytime after this coming Friday (less than a week away...). As soon as they have heard from my headmistresses out in Dakar, i will literally be getting on the first flight out there, so everything has to be organised and packed before this Friday! oh dear...

I would like to thank everyone again for all their support and donations, my mum came into my room today to tell me that everything has been paid for and i'm now all set to go, so thank you for helping me reach this stage. :)

I was sitting on facebook the other night (as i always do) and my friend Brigitte from Sheffield was online. She was on my selection course when i had to go up to the Isle of Coll for the first time, and she was so much fun and i knew i wouldn't forget her! She popped up in facebook chat and i asked her about what she was up to, to find out she was in Bolivia, and had been there for 6 weeks already! I was so shocked (and slightly disappointed that she'd already been out there and had settled in and i've still not even left dreary Glasgow...) that she was sitting in an internet cafe on the other side of the world and she wanted to talk to ME! We added each other on Skype and i phoned her and we both put on our webcams and it was really fun, she was telling me all about her experiences so far in Bolivia. It was clear that she really wanted someone to share all of her thoughts with because we were talking about her post for about an hour or so, though i completely enjoyed it and wanted to hear more and more! One of the things i had been told on selection was that a lot of the volunteers who return feel rather annoyed at their friends because they tended to get bored of hearing about our tales of faraway they feel quite isolated. i could tell that Brigitte really wanted to talk about all her experiences and i felt no desire to stop her! Even though i couldnt be there to see the things she saw, i was still completely enthralled to hear her stories :)
But my point is, i hope you guys don't get bored of hearing my stories...that would be a real shame :(

Anyway, enough blabbering... Sunday dinner is waiting for me (now that's something i'm gonna have to get used to not having for much longer... this could be my last one!)
Love, Jen xxx

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